The cdVet Naturprodukte GmbH is a medium sized company, which is specialized in the development, production and distribution of natural products in highest quality and reflectivity since more than two decades.
Based on high graded innovative products and companyowned
know-how, we are part of the leading supplier of natural products for animals. This products fulfill the high requirement of health management as well as in modern farm animal husbandry and feeding as well as in pet and hobby animal husbandry.
Since onset of our business activities we have designed our whole product range on the requirement of our customers out of the area of retail, pharmacy, naturopathic practice, agriculture, breeder as well as private customer and animal owner.
Thereby , the most important maxim is the fair and constructive partnership with our customers as well as with cooperating companies. For us a long-term cooperation with our customers is just so self-evident like the development of natural products which sets industry standards relating to price and performance.
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